I can stop at any time…

I just have to decide when! It’s about 36 inches square right now.

log cabin

I started this Log Cabin blanket in July 2007. I don’t work on it very often; it’s a good mindless in-between projects project. But I always seem to have some other project going! And it’s getting kind of big for carrying around. I pulled it out a few weeks ago because Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne were coming to town, and I learned to log cabin from their book, Mason-Dixon Knitting.

I originally started it with yarn left over from a felted bag project, but I had to order more yarn as the blanket progressed. Then I used the new yarn to design more felted bags! Back to the drawing board. Symmetry brat that I am, I have to have an equal number of logs on each side.

Here’s what I chose for the rest of the blanket. Some of it was already in the stash; five are new but the colors have been used previously in the blanket.


It’s KnitPicks Wool of the Andes worsted, which is a great felting yarn. But I’m not going to felt this blanket!


10 responses to “I can stop at any time…

  1. Good to know I’m not the only one with projects that were started that long ago! I love how you’ve distributed the colors on your blanket. How do you take such great photos of your knitting? What are you planning to do with the blanket? Perhaps something small for a lap blanket. If you can’t stop yourself, you could make it as large as your bed! Right now you’re at a good size for a baby blanket.

  2. This looks great! I love the color combos you came up with.

  3. It’s absolutely beautiful! I hope you are keeping it for yourself. Great for cuddling up on the couch.

  4. That is absolutely gorgeous!

  5. This is really pretty! Love the color combo. I so have to do one of these blankets some time! 🙂

  6. That blanket is so pretty!! The added colors will be perfect! I hope to pull out my log cabin blanket in progress at some point. Christmas knitting is distracting me for now though.

  7. Beautiful colors. Haven’t worked yet with KnitPicks. How’s its “hand”?

  8. Beautiful color combination!! I’ve been curious to try felting but too chicken plus not sure what kind of yarn to use. Off to check out KnitPicks….

  9. The colors really work well together and will be wonderful to curl up under while knitting or reading a really good book. Marvelous!

  10. Love the colors and from here it’s got a sort of 3D thing going on. I wouldn’t stop yet, it’s just a baby size blanket unless you’re giving it to a baby.