Summertime Blues

The Summertime Blues wrap/poncho is a perfect summer accessory. Knit in fingering weight yarn, it is light and sleek and swingy, especially in a wool/plant fiber blend. It features two sets of lacy leaves, twining up the side. Inspired by a cool evening wrap seen at the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland, Oregon, Summertime Blues will make your heart sing.

pdxknitterati summertime blues

The length and width of this wrap are easy to customize to your perfect size. The wrap shown is 21″ wide by 31″ long, modified from the instructions which are for a 19″ wide wrap.

pdxknitterati summertime blues

This pattern is available on Ravelry, page link here: Summertime Blues

This pattern is also available through my Payhip store, link here.

9 responses to “Summertime Blues

  1. “Knitted Wit Shine” yarn is not available now, at least so far as I’ve checked. Can you suggest one or two other yarns that you think might be good alternatives? I just purchased your pattern – and – this will be the first knitted item I have ever kept for myself since I began knitting 40 years ago.

    I like that this pattern is rectangular (I think that’s right…), and while I don’t completely understand how it’s seamed/put together, I’m trusting your pattern for this. 🙂

    P.S. I’m a devoted fan of your site, by the way, and include you as a link on my site.

    • You can order Shine directly from Knitted Wit; see her colors in her etsy shop here:

      Also, I think you could use 2 skeins of any fingering weight yarn, but I really like the added drape and sheen from the tencel in Shine.

      Yes, rectangular! Instructions for seaming are in the pattern, and you can always message me if you need more help. Have fun!


  2. Thanks for this info. I don’t see that Shine is available… and on another look the other day, I received a notice that they were out – for now. I’ve contacted the seller directly, so I’ll see what happens. I really do want the Tencel in it! Like I said, I have never made myself anything… so I am really excited to make this.

  3. Pingback: Tilt Shift FO, fashionably ahead of the game | PDXKnitterati

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  5. You do know that there ain’t no cure for the summertime blues, yes ?

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