Sheepy Steeky Coasters

You dream of steeking, but you’re afraid to take the plunge? The Sheepy Steeky Coasters are a great introduction to this technique! They feature steeks that are stabilized by crocheted stitches, and then cut. It may seem counter-intuitive to knit in the round just to cut, but stranded colorwork is a lot easier to knit in the round rather than flat, because the right side of the work is always facing you, and there’s no purling back.

This pattern makes two coasters at the same time. (Why? It all fits on a 16” circular needle. You don’t have to fiddle with dpns or magic loop. And you have two chances to cut your steeks!)

The coasters are knit with worsted weight wool. Two 50g balls will knit two sets of coasters, or 4 total.

This pattern is available on through my Ravelry shop, and also through my Payhip shop.