Little Sky Sox

In preparation for Sock Summit, I thought it would be a good idea to get Cat Bordhi‘s book, New Pathways for Sock Knitters, just to try to wrap my mind around different ways of seeing things.


There are top down and toe-up socks in here. Bordhi begins with a sample sock of each kind, but they’re not your usual top down or toe up. I decided to go for the top down first, since that’s my usual modus operandi. Here are the Little Sky Socks made out of worsted weight Dream in Color Classy.


They look like they’d be perfect for chubby little baby feet. A little wide through the instep? Maybe not, after you actually get something in there.


I look forward to exploring more “sockitechture” soon. For now, these need to be wrapped for a baby shower this evening!

15 responses to “Little Sky Sox

  1. too cute!!

  2. Very cute! I look forward to seeing more of the “sockitectures” as you make them!

  3. That looks like a great book

  4. berlinbetty

    Those socks are so cute! I might have to check out that book, but I’ve got enough on my plate already.
    I’m giving you a blogging award! I love your blog, so check it out here:

  5. Ohhh, did you go to Shannon’s shower? We went too, but it was late, after Kim’s dance class. We got there probably close to 7:45. No handknits with us though. 😦 I like the idea of doing some of the baby socks from Cat’s book though!! I just might do that in the next couple of weeks so that I can get some little knits for this new one. 🙂

  6. That sounds like an interesting book. I’ll have to remember to take a lookie when I get better with the socks. I’m dying to get out of the plain stockinette socks, but I think I need to make a few more of these before I branch out to some sort of ribbing/texture, and perhaps someday I’ll even try cables or lace. Baby steps…

  7. I’ve seen Cat Bordhi on TV, maybe Knitty Gritty? And the way she does socks is amazing. And hard for me to understand so I’ll be waiting for your next installment to explain it all to me.

  8. Pretty exciting for someone who has trouble admitting she’s a sock knitter! I’m impressed and look forward to seeing what you make!

  9. I love her book and the class I took with her! The socks are super cute.

  10. Oh, they are just adorable! I look forward to seeing more of these!

  11. Those are so cute – looking forward to seeing what else you learn!

  12. I like how yours came out better than my attempt last night.

    Left you something here:

  13. Hi! Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve been online! Ooo- I love that yarn, I’ve heard much about the Dream in Color. Is it as great as everyone says? Also- any tips on taking pictures? Yours always look so nice! ^_^

  14. I’ve seen that book before – there are some great patterns in there!

    On a related sock-itecture note, have you ever seen the Firestarter socks on Ravelry? If I’m not mistaken, they’re knit…sideways. Or something crazy. They look pretty neat, but are somewhat intimidating!

  15. Cute baby socks! I just knit up two pair of baby socks for a gift…just did my usual sock pattern, only with fewer stitches (obviously, LOL). I thought the same thing when they were done…they look really wide! But then I figured they’re baby socks…for a newborn…they don’t have to fit in shoes or anything, they just need to look cute. They’ll only stay on approximately 5.8 seconds anyway. LOL