The Opinionated Knitter

Elizabeth Zimmermann wrote a book with that title, but aren’t we all just a bit opinionated? Here’s your chance to know a bit more of what I think about knitting, designing, and teaching. I was featured on Robin Hunter’s blog, How to Become a Professional Knitter last Friday, but am only catching up to myself today! Click the link and get to know me…

Aloha detail

And here’s a sneak peek of an upcoming design.

Ah, mystery! What’s new on your needles? Mine are strangely empty, but not for long.

7 responses to “The Opinionated Knitter

  1. Love the colors! I just finished a pair of socks for me, and planning to start a pair for my coworker’s baby shower.

  2. Oh my gosh ….I went crazy with startitis this weekend. You can read the details on my blog.

    Don’t know what the pattern is going to be on that picture, but the yarn color is VERY pretty.

  3. When do we get to see the new design? I’m looking forward to it.

  4. Yes I did…and I bought it! 🙂