A rose for me in Portland grows…

I had a stellar significant birthday.

Part of it involved a surprise visit from some Royal Rosarians (including the Prime Minister!), the ambassadors of the city of Portland and the mythical Realm of Rosaria. (Portland is the City of Roses.)


There were ceremonial speeches.



A rose was planted in my honor.


I got to shovel dirt.


Thanks to DH for arranging this very sweet surprise! And thanks to friend Susan for sharing her pictures.


Obligatory knit content: I was wearing my ruffle tank.

In other news, the Teen has been brewing his own ginger beer at home, resulting in his own 15 minutes of fame. Sweet!

17 responses to “A rose for me in Portland grows…

  1. Woo Hoo!

    Happy Birthday!


  2. I LOVE this! What else happened that was fabulous for your birthday? I was so sad to miss it, I had just gotten out of the car. A 6+ hour car ride. I was there in spirit!

  3. Happy birthday! You look fabulous and very happy in your ruffle tank.

  4. Happy birthday!!!

    I noticed the ruffled sweater right away. It looks lovely on you.

    Congrats on the beautiful rose and being SUNG into your significant birthday!

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  6. Happy Birthday! Spotted your ruffled top immediately. Good luck to the teen too. That ginger beer brings back memories!

  7. Wow, he is definitely a keeper! What a sweet guy for such a special momento. And YES I couldn’t miss drooling over the ruffled blue top. 😀

  8. Happy Birthday, Michele! Looks like you had a blast!

  9. That’s amazing! Congrats! =) Also, the tank looks great on you!

  10. How fun! Happy Birthday!

  11. What a special birthday surprise! Happy day!

  12. Mazel tov! (And I love that you were wearing a hand-knit during the festivities!)

  13. Aw, what a cool birthday memory! September birthdays are the best. 😉

  14. Happy Belated Birthday – looks like you had an amazing one!

  15. Happy belated birthday! Mine was yesterday.
    How cool to have Rosarians greet you!

  16. Happy (belated) Birthday!! Wow! What a special way to mark the occasion!!

  17. Belated Happy Birthday to you! We were away last week and I tried to stay off the computer as much as possible (even though I brought the laptop with me). Great photos and I’m certain the recognition is well-deserved. Congratulations on your special day! Dee