Same song, second verse

A little bit faster and a little bit worse? Nah. Faster, maybe, but I think it’s going to be better!

The first Leyburn is done.


I really like the way this fits my foot. After all that fussing with the heel, it’s perfect!


The sock is 54 stitches, the heel is done on 31 stitches, or about 60%. I short rowed until there were 11 stitches in the middle, and 10 left unworked on either side. 9 in the middle was too far, resulting in the little balloon on my heel last time. (No pictures of that goofiness.) The leg at the ankle is slightly loose; I was trying very hard to stretch my floats on the leg as directed, but I don’t think I needed to. If I just knit in my regular way, it will be perfect. Why am I telling you all this? So that I’ve written it down, and can reproduce it in the second sock!

Here’s the toe.


I know how to kitchener stitch, but it’s not my favorite thing. I decreased at each side every other round until I had 30 stitches, and then decreased every round until there were 10 stitches total. Snip and run the yarn through the stitches, weave, and done! Hey, this method has been sanctioned in the current issue of Knitty (by the technical editor for socks, no less), so I’m good with it.

I started the second sock this morning. I love how this little twisted border takes the plain stockinette (left needle) and turns it into something magical (right needle).


Please excuse me, I have to go knit now!

19 responses to “Same song, second verse

  1. Great sock! I increased stitches on the leg (I’m knitting toe-up) & I’m concerned it’ll be too loose. The heel looks great! :0)

  2. I love it! And as much as I admire the Yarn Harlot (and I do!), I have to say that I like the colors in your version better. 😉

  3. Sorry… I had some issues with my account info… the comment above this one was mine. 🙂

  4. I love the sock, but had to stop and read the music first. (Compulsive musician here!)

    Sock notes (pun intended) are a good thing.

  5. They look great! I’m thinking of making these with my Knitter without Borders yarn ( a la Harlot), and now your project pretty much convinced me that these will be the next pair I make…

  6. I do love that sock.

  7. beautiful! I think I want to knit a sock!

  8. I love that you photograph your knitting on sheet music.

    The short tow heel looks really lovely. =)

  9. And I thought you should never twist when knitting in the round, isn’t that what all the patterns say? Who knew it would turn out so delightful. I’ll be twisting everything now.

  10. That sock is stunning! I have been watching the Leyburn KAL and am seriously thinking about jumping on that bandwagon…

  11. Great pattern! And it looks terrific in that colorway. I really need to get some socks on the needles. Maybe I will cast on tonight so that I have something to knit during the “crawl” tomorrow.

  12. Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I emailed your package a week and a bit ago… if it hasn’t arrived yet, it should soon! Cheers,

    ~ Elizabeth (riizu)

  13. The sock looks great! I keep seeing these Leyburns popping up…I may have to cast a pair on for myself after my cast-on moratorium is over. LOL

  14. Just gorgeous!! Love that colorway and sock pattern together!

  15. Beautiful sock! It turned out so nicely…I think I may have to make this pattern…

  16. Do you ever feel your socks are too pretty to wear? I’m working on my first “real” socks and wonder how I’m going to be able to stick them on my feet!

  17. VERY pretty!!!!! Thanks for reminding me of that toe, I’m down to the toe on an OTN pair – you just saved me from grafting 30 stitches!