Sock it to me

It’s chilly here! I decided to sew in the ends on the mismatched (design prototypes) orange/purple bed socks so they can be of use. But when I pulled them out of the drawer, I noticed the stripe pattern and the dotty pattern resulted in two very differently sized socks. Not okay!

Sock dreams in Malabrigo Rios

I never published the striped socks; the slip stitch stripes were too variable gauge-wise, and the pattern was too fussy to write, too. So the striped sock needed to be frogged back to the cuff, and the dotted sock needed to be frogged back to the instep to get rid of the striped sole. But I like the dotted instep better than the striped instep. (They are both options on the Dotty Bed Sock pattern, see below.) It wouldn’t add much knitting if I ripped out the gusset, too.

Dotty Bed Socks, dot or stripe instep

If you’re wondering why the bottom of the gusset is striped, here’s the designer’s secret: The gusset decreases would complicate working the dotty stitch pattern on the bottom of the foot. I wanted the pattern to be easy knitting! So those are just 2 row stripes where the decreases occur, no thinking.

Dotty Bed Socks, my favorite version!

I’m almost done…

Halfway down the second foot. You can see I’m using magic loop here, which I like, mostly. I think I prefer my Flexi-Flips, but I didn’t think of them until working the toe of the first sock, and I don’t want to change needles mid-project for fear of changing my gauge and having 2 different sized socks again. Next time!

Dotty Bed Socks are worked cuff down with a slip stitch pattern, so there’s only one color used per round. And they’re worsted weight, so they’re pretty quick! My socks are 44 stitches around in Malabrigo Rios.

Do you sock? How do you sock? Cuff down? Toe up? DPNs? Magic Loop? Two circulars? Flexi-Flips? Do tell!

8 responses to “Sock it to me

  1. Dotty Bed Sock is an interesting pattern. Unusual to have stripes at the gusset but I think it has grown on me! These would make a great gift (or gifts). With worsted weight, two skeins might make it through for a switch of base and dot colors, for two different pairs! ( Does that make sense?)

  2. “no thinking”, eh ?

  3. I have been doing worsted weight socks for friends and family to wear around the house, in rubber boots or Crocs. These look like fun!

  4. Oh, I do sock! I love dpns, cuff down, with a heel flap and gusset, but…no matter how hard I try, I end up going off course some where in the heel turn. So for sanity sake, I often do two at a time magic loop and toe up. I know. I am all over the place!

  5. Meredith Coelho

    Love me some dpns, even though I’m constantly breaking them at sock knitting sizes. Those socks are so cute!

  6. Your redone socks look great! I do sock. Two at a time, toe up, on two circular needles. I do the toes and turn the heels using dpns, but otherwise, two circs.